July 28, 2007

Metallica Stunt

One of the most stunts I enjoy. GO Metallica

July 20, 2007

أي والله

اليوم كنت معدي من امام احد القهاوي للعرب في هذه البلد و هذه أول مره اسمع من داخل هذه القهاوي اغنيه عربي غالبا صاحب القهوه طلبت معاه يتمزج فانتظرت حتى اخر الاغنيه فكانت أغنيه أي والله لمحمد فوزي فقرارت مشاركتها معكم

July 17, 2007

Creed - What Is Life For

Hurray for a child
That makes it through
If there's any way
Because the answer lies in you
They're laid to rest
Before they know just what to do
Their souls are lost
Because they could never find
What's this life for

I see your soul, it's kind of gray
You see my heart, you look away
You see my wrist, I know your pain
I know your purpose on your plane
Don't say a last prayer
Because you could never find
What's this life for

But they ain't here anymore
Don't have to settle the score
Cause we all live
Under the reign of one king

July 04, 2007

Humanity - Scorpions

Auf wiedersehen
It's time to say goodbye
The party's over
As the laughter dies
An angel cries

It's au revoir to your insanity
You sold your soul to feed your vanity
Your fantasies and lies

You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta deal with it

Be on your way
Adios amigo there's a price to pay
For all the egotistic games you played
The world you made
Is gone

You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
And now you gotta deal with it

In your eyes I'm staring at the end of time
Nothing can change us
No one can save us from ourselves

You're a drop in the rain
Just a number not a name
And you don't see it
You don't believe it
At the end of the day
You're a needle in the hay
You signed and sealed it
Now you gotta deal with it

July 01, 2007

banat by mohamed Mounier!

السلام عليكم.

من اجمل ما سمعت من منير...من البوم احمر شفايف .

كلمات : كوثر مصطفى
الحان : عمرو مصطفى
توزيع : اسامة الهندى


فى بلدى البنات كل البنات مليا جيوبها سكر نبات
فى بلدى البنات كل البنات مشيا وظابطة فى ايدها الساعات
وقبل ما تقفل بيبان البيوت وقبل ما ينزل ضلام الحارات
فى بلدى البنات بتجرى تروح
فى بلدى البنات كل البنات
لما بتضحك بترقص قلوب
لما تغنى تخدنا الاهات
فى بلدى البنات كل البنات
تحلم تضوى زى النجوم
بتحلم ترفرف زى الرايات
بتقدر تعاند وتقدر تثور
لكن ساعات كتير من الساعات
دق الساعات بيجرح حاجات
ويخنق حاجات

كالعاده كوثر مصطفى تدق على اوتار حساسه جدا :)

الرابط للاغنيه : http://dl4.ohshare.com/v/3040807/Mohamed_Mounir_Banat.mp3.html

مع تحياتى
